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Year 6 Letters

Year 6 Dartmoor Activity Centre Residential Trip May 21st – 23rd 2025


Dear Parents,

As you may know, the children in Year 6 are offered the opportunity to take part in a residential trip, and this year it will take place at the end of May 2025.  We are very excited to try an outdoor adventure centre in Devon called Dartmoor Activity Centre.

Their website is and will offer more information.

The price for the three days will be £170.00, including transport.  Please contact the office for the price if your child is pupil premium. If you need to discuss your financial position with the school about your child attending the trip, please also contact the school office. A non-refundable deposit of £30 is required by FRIDAY July 12th 2024 to secure your child’s place. The remaining balance will need to be paid in full by the 31st March 2025. This can be paid in instalments or in a lump sum. Please visit: to log in to your Child’s Scopay account for payment.

Payment dates:

12th July 2024- £30 Deposit

25th October 2024- £50 1st Instalment

31st January 2025- £50 2nd Instalment

31st March 2025- £40 Final payment

Please make sure your consent preferences are up to date on Sims Parent.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lukins, Mrs Weall and Mr Thorne