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Whole School Weekly Bulletin 20/09/24

Whole School Weekly Bulletin 20/09/24

Whole School Attendance: 94.4% - Remember to report absences to the school office by 9:00am

Total Lates this week:  77 late marks – Children arriving after 8:45am will be marked as late and parents will be asked to sign children in via the screen in the school office. If you are struggling to get your child to school on time or have concerns about your child being late, our PFSA Mrs Bedford will be available most mornings to offer support.


Whole School:

  • Orders for school lunch for next week must be completed by 11pm on Saturday. If you miss this deadline you will need to provide a packed lunch for the whole week. We are unable to provide spare food. If you still require help with ordering, you can call Innovate customer support on 0204 542 7211.


  • Please be mindful when parking around the school and remain polite when speaking with our neighbours. There is NO stopping on the zigzags outside the school gate, this is to keep your children safe.


  • Could your child be eligible for free school meals? Click on the link here for more information and to apply online. Alternatively, you can get a paper form in the school office. If your child is eligible for free school meals and you register them for this, the school receive extra funding called ‘pupil premium’. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school, as well as provide additional help and support to families.


  • Year 3 Wedding is at St John’s Church on Friday, on this occasion we are unable to invite any parents and carers.


Whole School Upcoming Events:

02/10/24 – Flu Vaccinations for all year groups

15/10/24 – Individual School Photos

25/10/24 – School Closed (inset day)


Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility

  • If you are concerned about the safety of a child/children please phone the school office on 01278 422693 and ask to speak to the safeguarding lead.
  • If you have a concern outside of school hours you can contact Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224 (Daytime) or 0300 123 2327 (Out of Hours) for immediate assistance.
  • You can also report concerns to NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
  • To support us in safeguarding your children, please make sure that we have at least two up to date contact telephone numbers.
  • is a great website which contains safeguarding information for parents, including E-Safety.