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Year 3 Letters

Year 3 Wedding

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Year 3 children will be taking part in a wedding to learn more about Christian celebrations. It will be on Friday 27th September 2024 at 10:30am and will take place at St John’s Church.

On this occasion we are unable to invite any parents and carers.

Each child has a role. The children can wear their school uniform but, if they have special clothes to wear, they can bring them to school to change into.

Please do not feel you need to buy anything.







Parents of the bride

Lily – Mae and Leo Spratt

Parents of the groom

Freya and Bailey


Emma, Jazmine, Melek, Zofia, Chloe, Nellie, Daisy, Elena

Best men

Tommy, Spencer, Oscar, Jack, Bogden, George, Freddie, Eli


Ivan and Crimson

Friends and family of the couple


Keeley- Rose, Freya W, Alvin, Chrishell, Savannah – Rose, Leo C, Joshua, Mason, Adelle, Velanky, Cheri- Leigh, Kelsey, Anaya, Arijus, Izah, Jesse, Amelia, Savannah, Esme, Jasper, Olivia, Charlie, Roger, Jesson, Nel, Willow, Bella, Leland, Toby


Riley, Ellis, Hallie, Dominic


Jenson, Avelyn, Aflie Beau, Leo S

If you have queries or concerns, please speak to one of the Year 3 team.

Year 3 Swimming 24-25

Dear Parent/Carer

We are writing to advise you of the arrangements for the Year 3 Swimming Programme for the 2024-2025 academic school year. The children will have 12 weeks of 30-minute swimming sessions split into 2 blocks between 9th September to 14th October (6 Sessions) and 27th January to 10th March (6 Sessions). Swimming sessions will take place at 1610 Chilton Sports Centre. The children will be taught in their two separate classes.

Block 1-

9th September 2024

16th September 2024

23rd September 2024

30th September 2024

7th October 2024

14th October 2024

Block 2-

27th January 2025

3rd February 2025

10th February 2025

24th February 2025

3rd March 2025

10th March 2025






















The school will fund the cost of the swimming tuition and we are asking for parents to contribute for the transport only which will be a cost of £30.00. Please visit: to log in to your Child’s Scopay account where you can make payment by Wednesday 4th September 2024 If insufficient contributions are made towards transport costs, we may have to consider alternative arrangements i.e. walking to and from the swimming pool.

Swimming forms a crucial and compulsory part of the children’s P.E. curriculum and is a ‘life-skill’ that children need for their own safety.  We hope that you will be able to support the school in fulfilling the swimming programme by ensuring that your child has a swimming kit with them on swimming days.

Yours sincerely

Year 3 Class Teachers