As part of our commitment to improving the attainment of our pupils, we monitor attendance on a regular basis and identify any pupil whose attendance causes concern. Children are required to maintain an attendance of 97% and above. For those children who fall below this level, the school will start to follow the school monitoring attendance procedure. The school attendance daily checklist and monitoring procedure is detailed below, alongside the current school attendance policy.
- Senior Attendance Champion - Nicola Darby
- Attendance Officer - Marcia Randle
- Attendance Safeguarding Lead - Clair Bedford
Term time leave
The law does not grant parents the automatic right to take their child out of school during term time.
The Department for Education does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance. Therefore, there is no longer the option within the schools management system to authorise any holiday requests. If you decide to take your child out of school for a leave of absence, you are required to inform the school of the dates of the planned absence. Failure to do so may result in your child being reported as missing in education and could incur a fixed penalty notice.
To inform the school of a planned absence, please complete the attached "Notification of absence during term time" form and return to A paper copy of this form can be obtained from the school office.
Target Days - Attendance
Reward stickers will be given to children who arrive at school on time (by 8:45am) ready to learn.
- Monday 17th March 2025
- Friday 16th May 2025
- Wednesday 9th July 2025
Daily attendance and monitoring procedures
- The School day starts at 8:45am. Pupils who arrive after this time will be marked as late. Pupils who arrive after 9:10am will have a unathorised late mark which will affect their attendance.
- 9:55am morning registers close and paper registers returned to the office for input on registers.
- Daily attendance report printed to identify any unexplained/missing marks for the day.
- Registers updated by Attendance Officer with marks from late arrival and absent sheet in reception
- Visit to classrooms to see if children with unexplained/missing absence have arrived
- Phone call made to parents of absent children to ascertain reason for absence
- Marks updated on (SIM’s)
- 1:10pm registers close
- Paper registers are added to SIM’s
When your child is unwell, you should inform the School Office before 8:45am on 01278 422693 and select option 1. Leave your child's name and reason for absence.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
Our policy is 48 hours absence after the last occurrence of sickness or diarrhoea. It is important that you keep your child away from school for this period to stop the passing on of infections.