Somerset Council statement for all RAAC enquiries.

Somerset Council undertook a review earlier this year of building records for local authority maintained schools that were built during the period when RAAC was in use. This concluded that it is unlikely that these buildings were constructed using RAAC. To date only one instance has been conclusively identified, in a multiacademy trust school, in Somerset. The safety of your child is the absolute priority of the council and this school. While it is easy to rule out the presence of RAAC in some schools, in others the process can be complex and involve several stages of investigation. Following DfE guidance, the Council has been investigating the issue of RAAC, including on-site initial and follow up surveys that commenced in June 2023, and they continue to do so with urgency. The Council anticipates concluding all initial surveys of remaining local authority maintained schools over the coming fortnight. At this time there is no cause for concern in relation to RAAC in our school. We will obviously update you if the situation changes.